Ms Rebecca Nalumu, Manager Business Development and Investor Support (M) doing a dry run with a team from the Electronic Single Window on 6th May 2021
Service provision at the Uganda Free Zones Authority (UFZA), Dairy Development Authority (DDA), Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) and Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) is set to improve following the launch of four new modules under the Uganda Electronic Single Window (UESW) system.
The modules include licensing module (UFZA), the standards certification for (UNBS), tax resolution management (URA) and certification (DDA and Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries).
The modules seek to reduce the cost of doing business and facilitate seamless trade by enabling electronic issuance of the needed permits and certificates.
The UESW leverages technology to allow traders to submit all the required regulatory documents, including permits and customs declarations, among others to approving agencies electronically using a single access point.
Previously, agencies were working in silos, requiring traders to move with physical documents from one office to another to get the necessary trade certificates. This causes delays and also increased the cost of doing business.
The UESW project is funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), through TradeMark East Africa (TMEA).
The UFZA Executive Director, Hez Kimoomi Alinda, said the module will lower the cost of doing business and increase Uganda’s competitiveness in the world market as it will facilitate speedy inspection, ensure transparency and simplify transactions for Free Zones imports and exports.