Uganda Free Zones Authority (UFZA) is a Government Agency established for the purpose of creating opportunities for export-oriented investment and job creation. Our mandate, as laid down in the Free Zones Act, 2014, is to establish, develop, manage, market, maintain, supervise and control Free Zones in Uganda.

Hon. Matia Kasija, the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Commissions the Entebbe International Airport Free Zone on 30th January 2021
The main policy objective of establishing Free Zones is to promote export-oriented investment in the manufacturing and processing sector as one of the economic development tools meant to boost Uganda’s exports. Specifically, UFZA was established to:
- regulate and create an enabling environment for export-oriented investment (Both Direct Domestic Investment and Foreign Direct Investment);
- develop customised industrial infrastructure and production facilities to required international standards to attract export-led manufacturing and agro-based industrial activities; and
- Provide advisory services to government on Free Zones and related matters.
A Free Zone is a gazetted geographical area where processing and manufacturing of goods for export is carried out without being subjected to import and export duties and levies so as to make the goods produced more competitive in the global market. This facilitates trading for development in the age of global value chains.
The Government’s deliberate and strategic decision to introduce Free Zones was informed by success stories in developed economies as evidenced in China, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates and others. Within the EAC Region, Free Zones have boosted the economies of Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda.